My own versions will be coming soon...
adding more stuff...
- ambient occlusion
(adds shading to vertices)
- bin packing
(creates compact texture atlas)
- resource packs
(custom resource files)
- saving worlds
(terrain, items, mobs, etc...)
- frustum culling
(so unseen chunks aren't rendered)
- lightmap
(fades day/night brightness on terrain)
- sound
(bg music / 3d sounds in world)
- atmosphere
(clouds, soft blue sky / night sky with stars)
- custom mipmapping
(low res in distance, removes pixelation)
- animated textures
(updates sprite on atlas levels)
- raytracing
(to aim through block aabb's... like stairs)
- settings
(keys, volume, resources, rendering, etc...)
Launcher 1.1
Fixed Java FX not showing revolvermap added to site.
(originally thought certain browsers just couldn't show them)
Also updated built-in offline site...
Updating site
html life...
removed "reliable" counter.
added revolvermap. (and a missing image incase blocked)
Launcher 1.0
Made self updating launcher.
Old Launchers
To download and run versions with.
Originally used md5 checks. (removed since now archiving assets)
Old Versions
Just for testing the launcher with.
Versions are from Minecraft's old alpha.
Created the website!
Learned html to make this quick site!
Using site to show update information in game launcher!
All files are hosted on github!
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Launcher 1.1
Check Out:

Old Python Versions:
Menu System

Improved Terrain, Skins

Terrain, Trees, Shrubs, Water

Very Basic Beginning
